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선교소식 November 05, 2022 . 아름다운동산교회 10월 이라크에서 온 소식


의료사역과 복음사역을 감당하시는 구금성 선교사 

Berseve Camp II I traveled to Kurdistan, Iraq last week. There is a city, called Zakho, 

about 40 minutes north of Dohuk. There are several (4-5) Yezidi camps there and one of them is called Berseve Camp 2.

 I have worked with Habibi organization and they built a new center with a dental clinic in the camp. The treatment schedule was quite hectic.

 The seven days I worked; it was overwhelming. Some patients would wait for 3-4 hours to be seen. 

Not to disappoint them, I also would skip lunch and work on. 

Though it was busy, I felt invigorated and energized, for I was able to contribute to the poor and show the love of Jesus. 

I was grateful, although, when I returned to Jordan, I was so exhausted.

 It took me a whole week to recover from the trip—including the dreadful over-night flight from Erbil Airport!  
